ROBERT STEELE: 5 Shooters in Orlando OR Crisis Actors?

New Orlando Shooter Eyewitness Emerges: Testifies That 5 People Were Involved In Pulse Attack The eyewitness said that the shooter made mention that he was the “fourth shooter” and that there were “three others,” “snipers,” along with a ‘female suicide bomber’ that was playing dead. I believe Orlando to be a false flag operation with …

Mongoose: Gold Collateral Accounts (GCA) Rising – The Real Truth About the Paris Agreement

Change — good change — is coming. “The Real Truth About the Paris Agreement” – Yosef – 6.10.16 “…secretly it actually houses the intentional legal framework for implementing a new global gold treaty that resets the world’s monetary system as well as all currencies (aka “The RV”). . . . . . . As China …

Kevin Barrett: Is Orlando a False Flag? Update 16: KINDLE Up – 46 Page Chapter, 65 Anomalies

NEW SHORT URL: Orlando nightclub shooting: Yet another false flag? It sure walks, talks and quacks like one They’re calling it “the worst terror attack since 9/11.” A Muslim is being blamed for shooting up a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing more than fifty people. In the recently-published Another French False Flag, former …

Robert Steele: Snap-Shot on Gold & Off-Ledger Accounts

It never occurred to me that accidentally becoming the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, partially associated with my being the lead for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for 25 years across 66+ countries, would be vastly more important than everything I ever learned across multiple graduate degrees, as a former spy, and as co-founder of the …

Robert Steele: Washington Post Offers 10 Reasons Hillary Clinton Will Beat Donald Trump — I Counter Each (1 True, 5 False, 4 Half & Half)

SHORT URL: Jennifer Rubin, a former lawyer, is a conservative columnist for The Washington Post. Below I take the first line only from her , and offer concise rebuttals in favor of Trump’s winning — with the caveat that if Trump cannot listen and adjust in the next 30 days, Ms. Rubin is in …

Bryan Dean Wright: CIA’s Problem – Subpar Spies

The CIA’s Problem: Subpar Spies Bryan Dean Wright, Fox Business, April 01, 2016 One year ago, CIA Director John Brennan announced sweeping changes at Langley, promising to reorganize the spy service by instituting a slew of bureaucratic fixes to its management structure. Then on Thursday, the CIA acknowledged that it left explosive training material on …

Eagle: Matt Taibbi on Revenge of the Simple – How George W. Bush Gave Rise to Donald Trump

Revenge of the Simple: How George W. Bush Gave Rise to Trump Bush was just an appetizer — Trump would be the main course Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, 1 March 2016 Rove correctly guessed that a generation of watching TV and Hollywood movies left huge blocs of Americans convinced that people who read books, looked …