Event: 30 Mar GWU DC Can Buberian Dialogues Temper Political Stridency?

The George Washington University University Seminar on Reflexive Systems Saturday, March 30, 2012 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm Funger Hall, Room 320 2201 G Street NW Can Buberian Dialogues Temper Political Stridency? Michael Lissack Stridency and polarization dominate the conduct of political debate in the media.  Like the endless repetition of a bad song, the melody …

Owl: Shyness, Grieving Classified as Mental Illness Treatable by Drugs, Incarceration of Sane Next?

An article like this poses the question – who is really insane, psychiatrists or the people they treat?  When readers finish this article, they may vote for the former. “In a damning analysis of an upcoming revision of the influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health experts said …

John Steiner: US Government to Rename Corn as Sugar?

For Immediate Release October 3, 2011 Contact: Glenn Turner, 917-817-3396 glenn@ripplestrategies.com Corn vs. Sugar Industries Legal Battle Heats Up Over “High Fructose Corn Syrup” Name Change New Website FoodIdentityTheft.com Provides Background for Reporters and Consumers Expert Legal Spokesperson Available For Interviews WASHINGTON, October 3, 2011 ­ High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a man-made sweetener used …