Robert Steele: US Admiral Scott Stearney Assassinated in Bahrain? Related to False Flag (Fake Iranian Attack on US Naval Vessel)

Navy admiral Scott Stearney found dead in Bahrain, no foul play suspected UPDATE: My intentional provocation produced two push-packs, both equally credible: 01 He was “suicided” (assassinated) because he was going forward with a false flag approved by Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Trump team got to him in time to stop it and message …

Robert Steele: Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflections on What Is Not Visible…

Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflections on What Is Not Visible… Russian International Affairs Council 20 November 2018 I always appreciate the thoughts of Andrey Kortunov and read “Trump-Putin Meetings: Do Elephants Need Celibacy”[1] with great interest.  While I agree with most of what my colleague has written, I want to make a few points that should be encouraging …

ITNJ: Inter-Country Child Trafficking

In two parts: a direct report from Poland, and links from our Commissioner Carine Hutsebaut. Child trafficking through intercountry adoption „The term ‘child laundering’ expresses the claim that the current intercountry adoption system frequently takes children illegally from birth parents, obtains children illicitly through force, fraud, or funds (financial inducement), creates falsified paperwork to hide …

Robert Steele: Deep State is Starting World War III UPDATE 3: Victoria Nuland & Zionists Seek Two-Front War Against Russia & Iran

SHORT URL: UPDATE 3: Victoria Nuland & Zionists Seek Two-Front War Against Russia & Iran A senior retired officer wrote this: Vicky Nuland ordered  [Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko] to start a war with Russian Federation and guaranteed that NATO and Pentagon would step in and defeat the Russians? NeoCons, PNACers and Zionists believe that …