Paul Craig Roberts: Western Culture is Dead We Let the Perverts & the Pussies Define “Political Correctness”

Western Culture Has Died A Politically Correct Death Paul Craig Roberts PC culture targeting art, literature & theatre puts West in fight against history It is amazing the power that politically correct kooks have acquired over language, art, and literature. It is a sign that the West is culturally dead. Full text of entire two-person …

Robert Steele: Suing the SPLC (and ADL and GoogleNews and More…)

In late Spring I will be  hosting a legal conference, by invitation, to bring together a killer legal team and people who have legitimate cases against the SPLC, the ADL, GoogleNews, and others who are censoring, defaming, committing wire fraud, in conspiracy, and more. Below is a really excellent article that should be an inspiration …

ZeroHedge: SPLC Sued by Gavin McInnes for Defamation — Rising Interest in Using Federal Courts to Take Down ADL, SPLC, and Any Vendor that DePlatforms in Violation of Free Speech and Title 7 #GoogleGestapo

“Frothing With Bigots”: SPLC Sued By Gavin McInnes For Defamation Conservative pundit and VICE Media co-founder Gavin McInnes as filed a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) after they deemed his right-wing fraternal organization, the Proud Boys, a hate group. McInnes’s attorney, Ron D. Coleman, filed a 61-page complaint in Sunday evening in the Middle District of Alabama, …

Steve Morton: Robert Mueller Role in FBI Cover-Up of Patent Theft by Lockheed (James Comey) Partner Fincantieri Sanctioned by Department of State (Hillary Clinton) — Is Obama-Era Rachael Weaver in House Oversight Working with Rogue FBI to Stop This Investigation?

In brief, James Comey (Lockheed) and Hillary Clinton (Department of State), with the complicity of Robert Mueller (Federal Bureau of Investigation) conspired to steal our patented defense technology for applying tefflon-like super coatings to aviation and naval vessels using computer controlled robotics. This is especially helpful to sensitive stealth coatings. Below the fold: two emails …