Graphic: Multi-Lingual Reality

Click on Graphic to reach the Briefing. Based on Chapter 15, “New Rules for the New Craft of Intelligence” as first published in THE NEW CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE: Personal, Public, & Political (OSS, 2002).

Journal: Hubris Loses to Angst & Reality–Every Time

British student held over alleged airline bomb attempt Nigerian man reportedly linked to al-Qaida in custody after foiled terror attempt on transatlantic flight to Detroit Police identified the suspect as Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, 23. It is understood that he is an engineering student at University College London. One official said the man claimed to …

Journal: U.S. Air Force–Remote from War & Reality

Unmanned limits: Robotic systems can’t replace a pilot’s gut instinct BY COL. JAMES JINNETTE, USAF Unmanned combat systems have fundamental limitations that can make their technology a war-losing proposition. These limitations involve network vulnerabilities, release consent judgment and, most importantly, creative capacity during air combat and close air support (CAS) missions. Although futurists might assume …

Event: 20 Nov 09 NYC Howard Bloom Reality Rant

What:  A Roaring Rant With Howard Bloom–A Reality Sandwich Salon When: November 20, 2009, 7 pm Where: Collective Hardware, 169 Bowery, Manhattan Who: YOU!  Open, just show up. The Genius of the Beast: A Radical ReVision of Capitalism comes to life when Howard Bloom blasts the stage. Says the Village Voice, “machine-gun raconteur scientist (and …

Journal: Out of Touch with Reality I

Lifestyle Hackers Jim Routh and Gary McGraw examine why twenty-somethings skateboard  right past security controls, and what it means for employers (i.e.  you!) November 02, 2009 The insider threat, the bane of computer security and a topic of  worried conversation among CSOs, is undergoing significant change.  Over the years, the majority of insider threats have …