Mongoose: UK (British) NOT Russians Meddled in US Election

No More Doubt: It’s the U.K., not Russia, that Meddled in the U.S. Elections The transformation of “Russiagate” into “Spygate”, underscores that it was the United Kingdom, through its various intelligence units that “meddled” in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. The mainstream U.S. media are attempting to cover-up for that operation, by reducing “Spygate” to …

Norie Huddle: Daniel Lazare on RussiaGate — Trump Right, Media Wrong, FBI/DOJ Criminal (To Which We Would Add, DNI and D/CIA Also Criminal)

Making Excuses for Russiagate The press, the intelligence community, and the Democrats have all gone off the deep end in search of a Russia connection that doesn’t exist.  They misled their readers, they made fools of themselves, and they committed a crime against journalism.  And now they’re trying to dodge the blame.

Berto Jongman: US Navy Dead in the Water — Russian Missiles Rule

Russian Missile Tech has Made America’s Trillion Dollar Navy Obsolete Russia’s new missiles can be launched from thousands of kilometers away, are unstoppable, and it takes just one to sink a destroyer and just two to sink an aircraft carrier. The American armada can now be sunk without having an armada of one’s own. The …

Mongoose: Trump Being Lied To — ANOTHER Syrian False Flag, US DoD Trained Rebels to Do Chemical False Flag, Russia Openly Warned of This Last Month

Emotional Propaganda 101: Chemical Attack in Syria Appears to be a False Flag to Justify Regime Change The alleged chemical attack in Syria is a blatant display of how emotional propaganda is used to try and pull at the heartstrings of the general public in order to garner support for a military attack on Syria …

Mongoose: Skripal False Flag — Russians Did Not Do It!

Skripal Incident Likely a False Flag Attack by UK to Vilify Russia – Journalist As the UK’s case against Russia in the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal continues to fall apart, the prospect of the incident being a false flag attack is looking increasingly likely. Yusha Yuseef, the CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Muraselon, shared …