Rebecca Campbell: Hillary Clinton Is Toast — Putin Gives Trump Intelligence on Russian Oligarch Bribes to Obama, Clinton, DNC

Here is the smoking cannon, with evidence from Russian intelligence agencies, and likely at least from the US government’s NSA:  It was Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama & the DNC who colluded with Russian oligarchs before and during the 2016 US presidential campaign — not Donald Trump.  Globalist deep state agents show a pattern of using …

Jack Matlock: Musings II … The “Intelligence Community,” “Russian Interference,” and Due Diligence

Musings II … The “Intelligence Community,” “Russian Interference,” and Due Diligence Key Points: 1. DIA and INR excluded. 2. Analysts (and conclusions) hand-picked. 3. No evidence. Best Quote: “Prominent American journalists and politicians seized upon this shabby, politically motivated, report as proof of “Russian interference” in the U.S. election without even the pretense of due …

Mongoose: Russian and Syrian Warnings of a Coming False Flag Chemical Attack Have Ring of Truth

Russian-Syrian Warnings of a Coming False-Flag Chemical Attack Have Ring of Truth Both Russia and Syria have sounded the alarm over an impending ‘chemical weapons provocation,’ a possibility compounded by the U.S.’ Truman’ strike group’s recent deployment to Syria. See Especially: Yoda: Syria False Flag Video of FSA Teaching Kids to Fake a Chemical Attack …

Phil Giraldi: Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job — How the Zio-Cons Are Fanning the Flames of Hatred with Lies

Hating Russia Is a Full-Time Job.“Who is Driving the Hostility towards Russia?” Neocons resurrect tribal memories to fan the flames Alarms about the alleged Russian threat only re-emerged in the neocon dominated media and think tanks when old fashioned nationalist Vladimir Putin took office and made it a principal goal of his government to turn …