Marcus Aurelius: US Effectiveness in Providing Security and Emergency Relief to Diplomatic Facilities

FYI.  Includes Benghazi. PDF (149 Pages): (U) Responding to Diplomatic Security Needs & Crises EXTRACTS: As a result of several gaps in reporting by the DOS and modifications to the Department’s reporting criteria, the researcher was unable to obtain the total number of attacks that targeted U.S. missions between 1979 and 2012. . . . …

NATO ACT CFC: Water Security: Afghanistan Transboundary Water Resources in Regional Context

Water Security: Afghanistan Transboundary Water Resources in Regional Context NATO Allied Command Operations (ACO) Civil-Military Fusion Centre (CFC) Rainer Gonzalez Palau Afghanistan Team Leader Social and Strategic Infrastructure Desk Officer This document outlines the global trends in water security and the threats to regional stability posed by the transboundary water resources. Moreover, the document presents …

Berto Jongman: Food Security — Rotten Intelligence, Worse Ethics

Uncertainty on figures hampering food security efforts Mark Kinver BBC News, 4 October 2013 More than 600 scientists gathered in the Netherlands for a global food security conference, described as the first of its kind. Organisers said science could help end uncertainty surrounding efforts to meet the food needs of future generations. They added that, …

Anthony Judge: Global Security from an Interplanetary Perspective

Global Security from an Interplanetary Perspective Interplanetary Security Council — Resolution on Planet Earth 27 Mres’klon 4013 Following is an unofficial translation of the purported resolution of the Interplanetary Security Council regarding the Planet Earth. A corrected translation may be anticipated. This unusual document appears to follow the pattern of earlier purported resolutions of the …

Marcus Aurelius: Islamic Seat on UN Security Council

A frightening prospect if there ever was one… 3. Islamic Bloc Wants Permanent Seat on Security Council The Islamic world should be granted permanent member status on the United Nations Security Council, according to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s secretary-general. At a recent speech in Moscow, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu asserted that the 57-member OIC, the largest …