Berto Jongman: Cyber Security Solutions for the DoD and Intelligence Community

Cyber Security Solutions for the DoD and Intelligence Community Guest Authors / Jon M. Stout of Security, 3 September 2013 At first glance, it appears that the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Intelligence Community (IC) have the same cyber security needs as other large organizations in the commercial world. While this is true …

4th Media: Latin America Condemns US Espionage at United Nations Security Council

Latin America Condemns US Espionage at United Nations Security Council Posted: 19 Aug 2013 12:01 AM PDT  “The United States appears to be destined by Providence to plague America with misery in the name of liberty.” Simon Bolivar Throughout the day, on August 6, President Cristina Fernandez Kirchner of Argentina chaired a historic United Nations Security …

Mini-Me: Argentine President Opposes Security Council Veto, Deepens Latin American Rejection of NATO, OAS, and UN — Palestine and Malvinas Cited

Huh? Argentine president takes on Security Council veto Associated Press, 6 August 2013 Argentina’s President Cristina Fernandez used the opportunity of presiding over the U.N. Security Council for the first time Tuesday to take aim at the veto power of its five permanent members _ the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France. Fernandez also …

Marcus Aurelius: Democratic Defense Play-Book — Truman Security Briefing Book Edition 5 — Idiocy Lite

From Politico Morning Defense: FIRST LOOK – THE STRONG-ON-DEFENSE PLAYBOOK: A leading national-security think tank is releasing the latest edition of its annual briefing book, which has become a kind of playbook for strong-on-defense Democrats. The Truman National Security Project, which spent more than $90,000 during the 2012 presidential campaign to help defeat Republican Mitt …

Owl: US Gestapoization News: “Insider Threat” – Name of American Internal Security Program to Spy and Report on Government Employees

US Gestapoization News: “Insider Threat” – Name of American Internal Security Program to Spy and Report on Government Employees The ever-expanding US police state is not being extended only to the civilian or private population. It’s quietly being extended to the government and military population, too, as proven by the implementation of “Insider Threat.” This …