Patrick Meier: Haiti and Crisis Mapping — Campaign of Lies Against Innovation in the Public Interest

Haiti: Lies, Damned Lies and Crisis Mapping You’d think there was some kind of misinformation campaign going on about the Ushahidi-Haiti Crisis Map given the number of new lies that are still being manu-factured even thought it has been over three years since the earthquake. Please, if you really want a professional, independent and rigorous account of the project, …

Patrick Meier: Crisis Mapping Meets Minority Report – HUMANS Plus Digital Tools Mapping the Pulse of the Planet and Harmonizing Delivery of Aid

Video: When Crisis Mapping Meets Minority Report Posted on February 16, 2013 | Leave a comment This short video was inspired by the pioneering work of the Standby Volunteer Task Force (SBTF). A global network of 1,000+ digital humanitarians in 80+ countries, the SBTF is responsible for some of the most important live crisis mapping operations that …

Patrick Meier: Comparing the Quality of Crisis Tweets Versus 911 Emergency Calls

Comparing the Quality of Crisis Tweets Versus 911 Emergency Calls In 2010, I published this blog post entitled “Calling 911: What Humanitarians Can Learn from 50 Years of Crowdsourcing.” Since then, humanitarian colleagues have become increasingly open to the use of crowdsourcing as a methodology to  both collect and process information during disasters.  I’ve been studying …

Berto Jongman: Cyber-World Crisis of Legitimacy and Representation

The crisis of legitimacy and representation Matthew Carpenter-Arevalo, Dec 17th, 2012 The ongoing spat between the cyber community and the United Nation’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) reveals a much larger crisis that the world is increasingly facing – the crisis of the legitimacy of representation. The UN and the Internet are arguably two of …

Patrick Meier: Optimizing Distributed Collaboration for Live Crisis Mapping

Optimizing Distributed Collaboration for Live Crisis Mapping My colleague Duncan Watts recently spoke with Scientific American about a  new project I am collaborating on with him & colleagues at Microsoft Research. I first met Duncan while at the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) back in 2006. We recently crossed paths again (at 10 Downing Street, of all places), and …