Review: US Air Force Secret Space Program by Michael E. Salla

SUMMARY REVIEW Michael E. Salla, US Air Force Secret Space Program (Exopolitics, 2019). 5 Stars — Best Over-All Timeline, Best of  Related Books by Same Author Reviewed by Robert David Steele This book — the fourth in a series — is a capstone work perfectly timed to the President’s planned disclosure of the past, present, …

DefDog: Israel-born Treasury official is at the center of U.S. policies on Iran

As with the Federal Reserve, with rare exceptions, this is one of the positions that the Deep State insists be occupied by a Zionist. Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East is another position traditionally “given” to a Zionist. This is how they manipulate everything to serve Israel First, not America First. Israel-born Treasury …

Event in California Brings Whistleblowers, Researchers, and Word-Healers Together — 23-25 August, extraterrestrials, Free Energy, End of Secrecy and More…

Event in California Brings Whistleblowers, Researchers, and Word-Healers Together for Something Big — ET, Free Energy, + + ~Justin Deschamps Almost everyone knows it at some level but only some dare to accept the truth. Whistleblowers, researchers, and experiencers often share one common message. The details might vary or the timeline may be different, but …