Robert Garigue: Three Information Security Domains–the Physical (Old), the Process (Current), and the Content (Future)

Core Point:  The US national security world is still operating under a two conflicting paradigms: stovepipes within which authorized users have access to everything in the stovepipe (more or less); and isolated stovepipes in which external authorized users have to spend 25% of their time gaining access to 80+ databases (or worse, don’t bother), and …

Robert Garigue: Information Security MANDATE

Core Point:  Information Security must enable both risk and advance–for example, M4IS2 (multinational, multiagency, multidisciplinary, multidomain information-sharing and sense-making).  Today cyber-security is an OBSTACLE to progress because it is, in one word, retarded–in two-words, risk-averse rather than risk-bounding. See Also: Robert Garigue, “Technical Preface” to Book Three Robert Garigue, CISO Briefing

2010 Julian Harston “Intelligence Assessment and Risk Analysis in Peacekeeping and Peace Support Operations – A Necessity”

Intelligence Assessment and Risk Analysis in Peacekeeping and Peace Support Operations – A necessity. Julian Harston, United Nations, Assistant Secretary General (rtd) October 2010 Document:  2010 JMAC Speech Julian Harston ‘We are fully aware of your long-standing limitations in gathering information. The limitations are inherent in the very nature of the United Nations and therefore …

Graphic: Core Force for Multinational and Whole of Government Operations

This graphic was created for a lecture to Eastern European Parliamentarians at the George C. Marshall Center in the mid-tolate 1990’s.  Many understood back then that the Department of Defense (DoD) was the only element of the U.S. Government (USG) capable of serving as a hub or backbone for USG Whole of Government and dynamic …

Journal: CIA Out, JSOC In for Covert Operations–Meanwhile, CIA PAO Touts CIA as a 9-to-5 Job

Shhhhhh! JSOC is Hiring Interrogators and Covert Operatives for ‘Special Access Programs’ Jeremy Scahill | August 25, 2010 What has become abundantly clear is that the Obama administration has taken the Bush-era doctrine of the world as a battlefield and run with it. US special forces are now operating in seventy-five countries across the globe—up …

Search: Information Mapping (2010 Update)

Below is updated information followed by the original response. With the permission of Robert Horn, a co-founder of Earth Intelligence Network and also the “owner” of the term “information mapping,” we have posted his seminal work in easy to download and exploit segments: Reference: Mapping Hypertext (1989) Latest example of Robert Horn’s work: Reference: Sustainable …