SPECIAL: Bill Binney Letter to AG Jefferson Sessions in May 2017 Breaking Open the NSA Database Against Traitors, Pedophiles, and White Collar Criminals

With the permission of Bill Binney, who is to NSA as I am to CIA, the below letter is provided to the public for information. We have redacted two sensitive sentences and contact information. There is a great deal more that could be done.  NSA did not contact Bill and NSA does not have a …

Zero Hedge: Donald Trump the ‘Only One’ to Help Prosecutor in 2009 Jeffrey Epstein Case

Trump Was ‘Only One’ To Help Prosecutor In 2009 Epstein Case And what about Trump? Following a 2018 financial settlement between Florida attorney Bradley Edwards – who represented one of Epstein’s accusers, only to be later sued by Epstein, Edwards claimed that Donald Trump was the ‘only person’ who provided assistance when Edwards served subpoenas and notices to …

John Lear: False Flag Fake News Boeing Remote Hijack, Not Anti-Stall, and Zionists, are the Cause, Not a “Mistake,” of the Murders of All Aboard Lion Air and Ethiopian Airways

The Lion Air and Ethiopian Airways Boeing 737 were both taken down by the Zionists to assassinate one specific passenger in each aircraft. They leveraged Boeing built in remote hijack capabilities to put both aircraft into the ground. The current story about anti-stall software failures is a cover-up.