
This is the primary point of access to Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog (over 80 contributors curated by Robert Steele) and the Journal (in gestation). Our present daily practice is to load between five and ten items a day, and to send to each subscriber (no cost) an end of day email listing …


Robert David Steele is the founding editor of Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog (“The truth at any cost lowers all other costs.”). He curates over 80 regular contributors, many using an avatar because they are still serving in official capacities. A former Marine Corps infantry officer, CIA spy, and second ranking civilian in Marine …

Review: Conscious Globalism: What’s Wrong with the World and How to Fix It

Righteous, Not as Deep As Some, Great Overview September 3, 2009 David Schwerin This book is a logical follow-on to the author’s earlier book, Conscious Capitalism: Principles for Prosperity, a book that is doing very very well in Chinese translations. Early on he points out that we need to achieve a global change in consciousness, …

Journal: Chicago-Style Partisan Corruption & Industrial-Era Organization Killing the USA

The Future of Tech August 27, 2009, 5:00PM EST By Adrian Slywotzky Where Have You Gone, Bell Labs?: How basic research can repair the broken U.S. business model Name an industry that can produce 1 million new, high-paying jobs over the next three years. You can’t, because there isn’t one. And that’s the problem. Decline …