Journal: Abnormal Abductive Advances

‘Impossible’ Device Could Propel Flying Cars, Stealth Missiles David Hambling October 29, 2009 The Emdrive is an electromagnetic drive that would generate thrust from a closed system — “impossible” say some experts. To critics, it’s flat-out junk science, not even worth thinking about. But its inventor, Roger Shawyer, has doggedly continued his work. As Danger Room …

Journal: Electronic Voting Fraud, Failure, & Foolishness

Sequoia Voting Systems hacks self in foot by Mokurai Tue Oct 20, 2009 Sequoia Voting Systems has inadvertently released the SQL (Structured Query Language) code for its voting databases. The existence of such code appears to violate Federal voting law. Read the announcement after the jump, just as received on the Open Voting Consortium mailing …