Josh Kilbourn: Chris Hedges on The Real Debate

Chris Hedges’ latest. Thank You for Standing Up Chris Hedges truthdig, 23 January 2012 EXTRACT: Turn off your televisions. Ignore the Newt-Mitt-Rick-Barack reality show. It is as relevant to your life as the gossip on “Jersey Shore.” The real debate, the debate raised by the Occupy movement about inequality, corporate malfeasance, the destruction of the …

Eagle: Report calls for prosecution of top government officials for acts of torture

Report calls for prosecution of top government officials for acts of torture People’s Blog for the Constitution, 11 January 2012 EXTRACT: For those who would like to see torturers brought to justice, a recent report issued by Human Rights USA and the American University Washington College of Law International Human Rights Law Clinic, INDEFENSIBLE: A Reference …

Marcus Aurelius: Defense “Strategy” & “Budget” — Ignorant Duplicitous Theater + META-RECAP

Various media pieces on defense. Gutting defense Obama to shrink armed forces The President’s Risky Defense Strategy President Obama’s defense strategy rests on shaky assumptions Obama military strategy: Is it bipartisan enough? U.S. right to focus on Asia The battle for the Pacific will reshape the world Military fighting force strategy set, but what will …

Marcus Aurelius: Central America – World’s Most Dangerous Place Fights Back

Central America: World’s Most Dangerous Place Fights Back Larry Luxner Washington Diplomat, January 2, 2012 EXTRACT: Earlier this year, Gen. Douglas Fraser, chief of the U.S. Southern Command in Miami, declared that “the northern triangle of Central America — Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras — has become probably the deadliest zone in the world outside …

Marcus Aurelius: Defense “Strategy” & “Budget” — Ignorant Duplicitous Theater + META-RECAP

Various media pieces on defense. Gutting defense Obama to shrink armed forces The President’s Risky Defense Strategy President Obama’s defense strategy rests on shaky assumptions Obama military strategy: Is it bipartisan enough? U.S. right to focus on Asia The battle for the Pacific will reshape the world Military fighting force strategy set, but what will …