Del Spurlock: The Clinton Co-Presidency Legacy — Lost Jobs, Broken Communities from NAFTA, Perpetual War with TPP

Deputy Secretary of Labor who conceptualized the ‘Side Agreements” to NAFTA. First in a series on Mr. Obama’s trade based quest for an American Protectorate over the Far East. The Transpacific trade deal creates a military protectorate confronting China and has secret side deals permitting domestic and foreign corporations to over-ride sovereign and community interests …

Cynthia McKinney: The Truth at Any Cost…

Truth Foretold, Specious Journalism, And Spurious Assertions: The Case of Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg View, and The Charlotte Observer While it is true that I was “booted” by pro-war Democrats who worked in concert with like-minded Republicans, your assertion of my being booted for “peddling conspiracies” deserves a deeper look.  My booting, by the way, resulted …

Berto Jongman: Darren Tromblay on Hybrid Warfare

“Hybrid Warfare” at Home: Asymmetric Tactics Are Not Just Used in Ukraine, they Are Employed against the United States, and Have Been for Quite Some Time The United States has long been a target of hybrid warfare by states seeking to disrupt or influence U.S. decision-making. Hostile activities can be categorized under four paradigms: nullification …