Richard Falk: The New New Anti-Semitism – Hiding Israel’s Crimes of State Behind False Claims of Victimization

The new new anti-Semitism Hiding Israel’s Crimes of State behind false claims of victimization I along with many others am being victimized these days. They are being labelled anti-Semites, and in some instances, self-hating Jews as well. This is a Zionist and Israeli effort to shut down our voices and punish our non-violent activism, with …

Robert Steele: In Memory of John Paul I, Murdered by Order of Then Cardinal Ratzinger Today Pope Benedict (Retired)

The Catholic Church rose from the ashes on 26 August 1978, only to descend back to the lower depths 33  days later after then Cardinal Ratzinger (today Pope Benedict retired) and one other Cardinal ordered and arranged for the murder not only of The Most Holy Father John Paul I, but many other senior Church …

Review: Explosive Growth – A Few Things I Learned While Growing To 100 Million Users – And Losing $78 Million

Cliff Lerner 5 Star Combines Lessons with Reading Recommendations I’m starting to think about how to spend $200M to create an alternative to #GoogleGestapo that connects the President to 200 million eligible voters, and this book jumped to the top of the pile. It is a fast pleasant read and it delivers both the expected …

Event: 2019 Conference Berlin 10-12 May 2019 Intelligence, Diplomacy, and International Relations (International Intelligence History Association)

Call for Papers for the 2019 Conference of the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA), organized in cooperation with the German Spy Museum in Berlin. The conference focus on „Intelligence, Diplomacy and International Relations“ and will be held on May 10-12, 2019 at the German Spy Museum (Leipziger Platz 9, 10117 Berlin, Germany). Please submit your paper proposal abstract (200-300 …

Berto Jongman: Has General Vincent Stewart, USMC, Figured Out that US Has Cyber All Wrong? BRAVO ZULU!

Is the Defense Department’s entire vision of cybersecurity wrong? “What if the way we’ve structured Cyber Command and our thinking about this space, what if it’s wrong?” Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, deputy commander of U.S. Cyber Command, said during a keynote presentation at the CyCon U.S. conference in Washington Nov. 14. Cyber Command’s latest command …