Berto Jongman: Ha’aretz on Who Will Decide on War with Iran?

The Iran War: Who will decide? By Amir Oren Ha’aretz, 5 February 2012 The War of Independence, the Six-Day War, the Yom Kippur War, the Iran War. That’s the sequence Defense Minister Ehud Barak laid out at the Herzliya Conference on Thursday in a speech on Israel’s fateful decision. All for the better, it has …

Kevin Barrett: Larry Silverstein Chutzpah or Super Criminal?

Chutzpah, thy name is Silverstein! Larry wants more billions for blowing up the WTC If you thought Andrew “assassinate Obama for Israel” Adler was the last word in chutzpah…think again. Kevin Barrett, Saturday, February 4, 2012 Larry “blow up the World Trade Center for Israel” Silverstein is light-years beyond Adler. Larry Silverstein, you may …

Gary North: Administrative Law (New World Order) versus Democracy (Live Free or Die)

The Crucial Pillar of the New World Order by Gary North, February 4, 2012 One of the most alluring temptations that face men is the desire to enter the inner ring. C. S. Lewis wrote a wonderful essay with this title. It should be part of every person’s rite of passage into adulthood. The desire to …

Berto Jongman: Does Terrorism Work? What Do They Want? + Meta-RECAP

Does Terrorism Really Work? Evolution in the Conventional Wisdom Since 9/11 (Max Abrahms) What Terrorists Really Want: Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy (Max Abrahms) Why Terrorism Does Not Work (Max Abrahms) Max Abrahms Website Phi Beta Iota:  Terrorism is a tactic.  Both Israel and the USA have used it to great effect, and evidently continue …

Eagle: Obama’s SOTU “Urinating on Public Intelligence”

Obama’s “State of Delusion Address”: Rebuilding America With War Crimes by Finian Cunningham From beginning to end, Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech was replete with delusion and falsifications. His promise of building an “America that lasts” was predicated on a sentimental, but utterly disingenuous notion of selfless teamwork. The invocation of American military …