Mongoose: David Brock’s Confidential Memo on Destroying Donald Trump and Alt-Right Alternative Media and Truth Operations

Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action Phi Beta Iota: Worthy of a full read.  Full of lies and avoids mentioning the racketeering conspiracy with George Soros and Eric Schmidt or #GoogleGestapo censorship board — or the AIPAC role in manipulating media, money, and more, but a starting point. In our view, David Brock along with …

Cynthia McKinney: Gus Savage on the Facts About Israel Lobby and How it Controls Congress

Gus Savage Speaks in the U.S. Congress About the Powerful Israel Lobby: Laying Out the Facts PBI: There is no better description — by a serving Member of Congress — of the perfidy of AIPAC as  the lead for illegal lobbying and financial crime on behalf of Israel against Members of Congress who fail to …

Patrick Buchanan: Is Trump Entering a Kill Box? Robert Steele: How Trump Can Live…

Is Trump Entering a Kill Box? By Patrick J. Buchanan Every enemy of Trump is going to be dropping the dime on him to Mueller. Moreover, there is no history of special counsels being appointed and applauded by the press, who went home without taking scalps. Trump understands this. Reports of his frustration and rage …

#UNRIG Log RV 1 Day 4

Today we are in Memphis, Tennessee at the home of a family with a strong interest in restoring integrity to our election system. Today we also had our first inquiry from a major organization representing all voting officials across the USA. While we wait for MeetUp reinstatement I am finding that people are getting in …

Mongoose: Congress Seeks to Criminalize Any Criticism of Israel — We Do Not Make This Crap Up!

THE INTERCEPT – U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel The criminalization of political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the West. In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted for wearing T-shirts advocating a boycott of Israel. The U.K. has enacted …

Caitlin Johnson: Together, The Left And Right Can Kill The Establishment Propaganda Machine

Together, The Left And Right Can Kill The Establishment Propaganda Machine Reading some of the criticism my fellow leftists have leveled against my article “Lefties Need To Stop Being Shy About Working With The Anti-Establishment Right” you’d think I was saying we should all just abandon social progress and go work on political campaigns for …