Richard Clarke: 10 Observations on US Intelligence Gathering – Robert Steele on What Clarke Does Not Mention

Richard Clarke at RSA Conference: 10 Observations on US Intelligence Gathering A veteran counter-terrorism advisor and Presidential Review Group member on Intelligence gives his executive summary I’m in San Francisco this week to attend the RSA security conference, and to cover the Cloud Security Alliance summit for security professionals. The CSA is a terrific organization, …

Bruce Schneier: It’s Time to Break Up NSA — Outline of Necessary Intelligence Reforms by Robert Steele

It’s Time to Break Up NSA Bruce Schneier CNN, 20 February 2014 Editor’s note: Bruce Schneier is a security technologist and author of Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust Society Needs to Thrive. (CNN) — The NSA has become too big and too powerful. What was supposed to be a single agency with a dual …

Stephen E. Arnold: Hewlett Packard (HP) Implodes — Stupid Over Autonomy, Corrupt at Root — the Same HP That Killed Alta Vista

Frequentists Versus Bayesians: Is HP Amused? I read a long report and then a handful of spin off reports about HP and Autonomy, mid February 2014 version. The Financial Times’s story is a for fee job. You can get a feel for the information in “HP Executives Knew of Autonomy’s Hardware Sales Losses: Report.” There …

Reflections on the Ecuador Initiative — Open Source Everything Combined with Ethical Evidence-Based Decision-Support 1.1

Michel Bauwens, founder of the Peer to Peer (P2P) Foundation and one of my personal pioneer heroes, is deeply engaged in Ecuador with a Presidential initiative. This endeavor could be world-changing, first in Ecuador, then across South America, and ultimately around the globe starting with the BRICS and the rest of the Southern Hemisphere. I …

Review (Guest): The Burglary – The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover’s Secret FBI

Betty Medsger Hoover’s FBI and its threat to the Preservation of our Democratic Values and Institutions, February 8, 2014 Herbert L. Calhoun Seen properly in its widest context, this book tells us an important story about ourselves. It is a story about a familiar political game that our leaders continue to play on us. First …