Yoda: Iranian Billionaire to Put Internet Into Rural India Via Television Screens

First woman space traveller to take internet to rural India through TV Anousheh Ansari, who had in September 2006 grabbed headlines for becoming the first woman space traveller, is now dreaming of connecting rural India with the internet via television screens. The Iranian-American entrepreneur, who is working with Tata Trust to help the rural areas …

Yoda: Reformist Gains in Iran Offer Boom

Be not afraid…. Reformist gains in Iran elections clear way for business boom Gains by reformist candidates in Iranian elections open the way for changes to economic policy that will boost foreign investment and trade with the West, businessmen and analysts said on Sunday.

Chuck Spinney: US-Iran Strategic Convergence?

Refugee Flows: a Grand Strategic Weapon of Mass Destruction by FRANKLIN SPINNEY, Counterpunch, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 EXTRACT Pro-Israeli American neocons, who promoted the invasion of Iraq and the toppling of the Assad regime, may well think that Israel is the prime strategic beneficiary of the breakup of Iraq and Syria.  However, the reality is that …

Gareth Porter: Framing Iran for Khobar Towers — Who Benefits? Saudi Arabia & Zionist Israel UPDATE 1

Who Bombed Khobar Towers? Anatomy of a Crooked Terrorism Investigation The official Khobar Towers investigation led by FBI Director Louis Freeh was precooked to arrive at the outcome that had been politically determined by the White House. The only evidence of Saudi Shi’a involvement in the bombing was from confessions obtained by torture by Saudi …

Yoda: Turkey & Iran Convergence, Off-Set to Sunni Extremism — Can Secular Pragmatism Create One Prosperous Muslim Faith?

De-Americanization? Iran, Turkey must work together to fight IS: Rouhani TEHRAN: Iran and Turkey must work with one another to root out the threat of extremism in the region, President Hassan Rouhani told his Turkish counterpart, the official IRNA news agency reported. … “A consolidation and expansion of ties between Tehran and Ankara is of …