Berto Jongman: NATO GLADIO B Snipers Behind Chaos in Kiev?

Order Out of Chaos: Gladio Snipers Behind Killings in Kyiv Kurt Nimmo, 5 March 2014 In a leaked audio recording of a telephone call between Estonia’s Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and EU foreign affairs boss Catherine Ashton, Paet told his counterpart leaders of the Euromaidan movement that would ultimately overthrow the government of Viktor …

Chuck Spinney: Amateur Hour? Or Corrupt Idiots in Power in Washington?

This essay (also attached below, argues that Syrian civil war places the contradictions in US/UK foreign policy into sharp relief. While the author, Peter Oborn, does not say so, the proximate cause of these contradictions is a fatally-flawed grand strategic appreciation of the threats and interests implicit in the Syrian civil war (the criteria for evolving a …

PDF (61 Pages): ARSTRAT_IO_Newsletter_v14_no_02  Articles included are: 1. Psychological Warfare Meets Hallmark: Colombia’s Christmas Ads Target Guerrillas 2. Pentagon’s Cyber Arm Poised to Expand Role 3. PLA Considers Setting Up Joint Command for Era Of Modern Warfare 4. DoD Hones Skills with Cyber Flag Exercise 5. General: Strategic Military Satellites Vulnerable to Attack in Future …

Jean Lievens: Can the Internet Democratize Capitalism?

Can the Internet Democratize Capitalism? Yanis Varoufakis International Policy Digest, February 22, 2014 Technological fixes to time-honoured problems are all the rage these days. Bitcoin is meant to fix money, social media are seen as an antidote to Rupert Murdoch and assorted tyrants, networked robots are to help countries like Japan deal with demographic declines …