Review: The Muhammad Code – How a Desert Prophet Brought You ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram

Howard Bloom A Worst Case Documentation of Islam as Evil  EDIT of 20161201: Religion is one of the most complicated topics, and it is very hard for most people to grasp that at root most religions based on dogma, including Catholicism, are a mix of outright fabrication (for example, see Christ’s Ventriloquists: The Event that …

Kevin Barrett: If Trump does these ten things he’ll be the greatest president ever

If Trump does these ten things he’ll be the greatest president ever Expose the truth about 9/11, which is that it was a neocon coup designed to unleash Islamophobia to benefit Israel. Reinstate the Constitution by repealing all post-9/11 police state legislation and pushing through draconian restrictions on all forms of spying, search and seizure, …

Antechinus: Does Israel Own Trump or Is Trump Playing Israel?

Trump & Woolsey: Was There a Bait-and-Switch? In early September 2016, in a move that should have received far more attention than it did, Trump appointed former CIA director James Woolsey as his senior advisor on national security issues. Woolsey is a key member of the neoconservative Project for a New American Century (PNAC). When …

Berto Jongman: Internet Shut-Down, Internet War, US Faking a Russian Attack?

ORIGINAL STORY ON 16 OCT 2016 U.S. To Use Internet ‘Kill Switch’ By November In Cyberwar With Russia The US government is preparing to activate an “internet kill switch” according to cyber security experts, and the groundwork has been laid to blame the unprecedented act on Russia. LO AND BEHOLD ON 21 oct 2016 Someone …

Pre-Order Review: The Art of Peace – Engaging in a Complex World by Juliana Geran Pilon

5 stars Compelling, Insightful, Useful – Glosses Over Some Fundamentals This book excels at offering a compelling overview of the severe deficiencies in US national security strategy, policy, and operations – it is one of the strongest indictments I have seen of our total inability to wage peace instead of war. Among the many high …

Mongoose: US Painting Fighters with Russian Colors — False Flag Attack in Syria Possible?

We have no direct knowledge but our general knowledge includes two understandings: a) there are neoconservative traitors within the US Department of Defense that will do anything to bring on war with Russia (until he retired General Breedlove was among their leaders); and b) the FBI is worthless as a strategic counterintelligence agency — it …