John Robb: 147 Banks & Corporations as Global Financial Cancer, Gray Markets Fairs, Urban Foraging

JOURNAL: Global Financial Cancer EXTRACT:  A new paper, The Network of Global Corporate Control by Vitali et. al. from ETH in Zurich.  This paper finds, through extensive network analysis, that a small group of tightly intertwined financial institutions control the bow of the global financial system.  It is in effect, the world’s first super-organism.  147 …

John Robb: Urban Farming, Urban Zoning in Flux

Portland Oregon is working on revising zoning regulations regarding urban market farms.  Early debate indicates that the protection of traditional approaches to real-estate value (ornamental residences, noise/traffic abatement, etc.) is the priority.  Given the scale of the economic crisis that is already upon us, this approach is completely broken.  They should be focused on building …

John Robb: State Failure, Deep Resistance, Open War

Anonymous declares war on Facebook. For those of you interested in how global guerrilla warfare theory is being applied in the wild, here’s a book for you:  Deep Green Resistance (by Derrick Jenson,  Aric McBay, and Lierre Keith). Here’s a little on their ecowarfare strategy from their website, and some more on how they use open source warfare and …

John Robb: Soros Dumps Gold, Could Local Virtual Currencies and Local Water, Food, Energy, and Production be Next Big Thing?

BIG QUESTION: Gold or Virtual Currencies? As anticipated, we’re on the brink of a global economic depression (again). There’s a strong possibility that a long running global depression will lead to a reshuffling of the global economic and political landscape.  IF that happens, many of the fiat currencies we currently use will simply evaporate. Given …