John Robb: Solar-Power Water Treatment Plus…

Some items of interest: Solar powered water treatment system. No electricity consumption, CO2 emission, and cheap (PET bottles, foil, and plywood). Refracting bleach and water bottle light bulbs. Series of graphs showing no economic recovery whatsoever vs. previous highs. Swedish hacker trying to split atoms at home is arrested. The global illicit wildlife trade network is causing “devastating population …

John Robb: Operation Shady Rat vs Sleeping Dog

Operation Shady Rat. Sustained, silent, IP theft from 70 organizations across 14 countries.  More.  What we have witnessed over the past five to six years has been nothing short of a historically unprecedented transfer of wealth — closely guarded national secrets (including from classified government networks), source code, bug databases, email archives, negotiation plans and exploration details …

John Robb: Toyota Prius is NOT (Not) a Resilient Car

RESOLVED: The Toyota Prius IS NOT a resilient car The Toyota Prius, and electric cars in general, are NOT resilient. Some major reasons why: Global manufacture.  Exotic materials. Replacement and repair.  Cost is high and it requires complex methods/parts. Conditional:  If electricity isn’t produced locally, there is a dependence on a remote power source. Phi …

John Robb: Concentration of Wealth = Central Planning = Fall of US Empire from Misappropriation

JOURNAL: Central Planning and The Fall of the US Empire Here’s some thinking that draws on decision making theory.  It’s very much in line with how the late John Boyd (America’s best strategist) would approach it. ___________ One of the most interesting underlying reasons for the decline of the Soviet Union, and soon the US, …

John Robb: When Governments Fail, Criminal Tribes Grow

Monday, 25 July 2011 JOURNAL: Knights Templar Norway/Mexico Two recent attempts at revivals of the Knights Templar. One:  Norway.  In this video posted by Anders (the Oslo bomber) before his attack.  He makes a plea for a revival of the Knights Templar at the end of the video (the first part is an attack on liberalism/multiculturalism and …