YouTube (40:12): Julian Assange with Sean Hannity – Russians Did Not Hack the US Election

He cites Director of National Intelligence James Clapper as saying that the US IC does not know how Wikileaks got its information.He points out that insiders leaking documents are not hacking anything. Assange offers a deeply intelligent overview, in his own words, with his integrity manifest. Hats of to Sean Hannity for a superb and …

Mongoose: PizzaGate Pedophilia Updates — Vatican Nervous — Emerging Exposure of Child Protective Services (CPS) as a Criminal Network Harvesting Poor Children for Rich Pedophiles — Massive Censorship Underway Across Facebook, Google, YouTube

This is real, this is deep, this is not going away. Pedophilia is the “last straw” for a public that is now paying attention. Pedophilia will bring down both the Republican and the Democratic “Establishment” as well as their elite overseers from Wall Street to the City of London. While we have no direct knowledge, …

Betty Boop: YouTube (13:27) Clinton – Pedophilia – Epstein Round-Up Ties in Catholic Church and Justice Scalia — The Yoga Connection…

Alert Reader says: Many of Epstein’s girls claimed to be “Yoga Instructors, ” am wondering if Hillary Clinton’s deletion of so-many emails about Yoga had something to do with over-age lesbianism as well as pedophilia in accepting charity sex from Epstein’s hired hands cum child sex slaves (puns intended). 13 Minute RT Video and Links …