Owl: Pocahontas Revenge – Deep State False Flag White-Faces a Filipino UPDATE 6: Sayoc with Democratic Donor

This web page supplies a compilation of news about Florida bombing suspect, Cesar Sayoc. It especially notes the sloppiness and amateurishness of whichever Deep State operatives set up Sayoc to be a patsy in a FF making Trump and Republicans look blameworthy for the bomb packages: CNN graphics employees are currently tinkering with the Whiteness …

Robert Steele: 10 Moves To Hold the House UPDATE 10: Lost House, Some Good News

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/trump-10-moves UPDATE 10: GOP lost the House and that is probably for the best — the NeverTrumpers from the GOP are the ones that were flushed out. Control of the Senate increased and that assures a flood of conservative Justices. MID-TERM SPECIAL: Trump Triumphs — Senate, Justices, Never-Trumpers Gone from House — Deep …

Robert Steele: Rod Rosenstein and Legalized Lying and Cheating at Justice — The Week in Review

Not now, but soon. Top to bottom coast to coast cleansing of the stables. ROBERT STEELE: I have known for years that the Department of Justice claims the right to lie to the Courts; I have known for years that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a theatrical agency with a pedophile chain of command …

Robert Steele: Facebook is Doomed, Zuckerberg Cashing Out UPDATE 3 Extreme Leftist Censoring Monoculture, Key People Start to Leave

It is with great pleasure that I announce my conclusion, based on my analysis of the headline as shown below and follow-on discussion with top industry analysts, that Facebook is doomed and Mark Zuckerberg is cashing out.  Good riddance. Mark Zuckerberg is selling up to $13 billion of Facebook stock to fund an ambitious project …

Owl: The Saga of Justice Kavanaugh UPDATE 55: Senate Report Sends Swetnick & Avenatti Toward Jail…

Short Memorable URL if you wish to tell others: http://tinyurl.com/bothright-moveon UPDATE 55: Katz and Avanatti should lose their law licenses. The witnesses who lied with malice should serve jail time. Senate report paints devastating profile of Justice Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick UPDATE 54: The false witnesses against Judge (now Justice) Kavanaugh have been referred for …

Amazon Kindle: CIA & The Deep State – Mike Pompeo is Totally Wrong – and Politico Totally Worthless (Trump Revolution Book 31)

COVER Cartoon by Ben Garrison, Rights Purchased, see his incredible work at https://grrrgraphics.com. On 23 May 2018 Politico featured a story, “Pompeo: No ‘deep state’ at State or CIA,” in which the Secretary of State, a few months ago and ever so briefly the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA), is quoted as being …