Yoda: Our greatest weapon against the coronavirus is Vitamin D: Board-certified pathologist

‘We don’t just have a viral pandemic, we have an international Vitamin D deficiency pandemic – 70 percent of the world is immune-suppressed,‘ Dr. Ryan Cole says. March 29, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) –A founder of one of the largest independent laboratories in Idaho is declaring loud and clear that the greatest weapon against the coronavirus is …

John Whitehead: After a Year Under Lockdown, Will Our Freedoms Survive the Tyranny of COVID-19?

  “The remedy is worse than the disease.”—Francis Bacon One way or another, the majority of Americans will survive COVID-19. It remains to be seen, however, whether our freedoms will survive the tyranny of the government’s heavy-handed response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, now that the government has gotten a taste for flexing its police …

Zero Hedge: Erdogan — Is Turkish Diaspora New Islamic Superpower?

Erdoganistan: The New Islamic Superpower? Authored by Giulio Meotti via The Gatestone Institute, “It was a very special day, July 24 [2020],” said France’s leading expert on Islam, Gilles Kepel. “It was pilgrimage time to Mecca and, due to the pandemic, no one was there! It was the anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne, the origin …

Ed Jewett: Prepare Yourselves: We Are Going to Get Hit With Another

Prepare Yourselves: We Are Going to Get Hit With Another “Pandemic” and More Injections – The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 Editor’s note: Another “pandemic” is in the planning stages coming through the Johns Hopkins University with backing from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Center for Health Security. Unless we stop this we are literally going to …


In 2008, Dr. Anthony Fauci co-wrote a paper with two colleagues explaining that influenza was not the predominant cause of death during the 1918 flu pandemic. This video will show you what he wrote, and that the cause of a rise in infections among mask wearers today matches what Fauci claimed to be the real …