Robert Steele: Vilification of the Confederate Flag is Abusive, Despicable, Ignorant Public Misbehavior

Every time I think I have seen President Obama hit bottom he exceeds my previous expectations. The recent vilification of the heritage of half the country, criminalizing the symbol of that heritage for tens of millions of Americans, is gratuitously divisive, to say the least. It also displays a stunning ignorance of history, and a …

Findhorn: Turning the Tide – A New Global Ethic Where Sustainability and Spirituality Marry

Turning the Tide – A New Global Ethic Where Sustainability and Spirituality Marry Giles Hutchins in CSRwire EXTRACT As anthropologist Gregory Bateson knew well, our materialistic sense of separation from this cosmic Mind breeds an ‘ecology of bad ideas’ where we delude ourselves in to believing we are separate from and in competition with each …