Ron Paul: Donald Trump Tells the Truth, Does the Right Thing, Stopping Sanctions on North Korea

Trump Tells the Truth: Sanctions Cause People to Suffer This week President Trump admitted what the Washington policy establishment of both parties would rather be kept quiet. Asked why he intervened to block a new round of sanctions on North Korea, he told the media that he believes the people of North Korea have suffered …

Richard Gage: Families, Lawyers, and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Sue FBI over It’s 2015 “Report”

Families, Lawyers, AE911Truth to File Lawsuit against FBI over ‘9/11 Review Commission Report’ on Mar. 25 Next week, for the first time ever, 9/11 family members and advocates are taking legal action against the FBI aimed at forcing the Bureau to assess and report the evidence of the World Trade Center’s explosive demolition known to …

Zionist Shiksa Meets Her Match — Pelosi Swamped by Uproar Over Censure of Omar for Telling the Truth

Omar uproar swamps Pelosi The longtime Democratic leader is struggling to unite her warring factions. Phi Beta Iota: Zionism (occupation, genocide, apartheid, mafia state, bribery & blackmail of the US Congress) is not Judaism. MOST JEWS AGREE! Dual citizenship, particularly for serving Members of Congress and in the Executive, is a violation of the US …