Review: Merchants of Truth The Business of News and the Fight for Facts by Jill Abramson (Sort Of)

Jill Abramson 3 Stars This is a crap book that I should have been smart enough to not buy but I overlooked the author’s dubious credentials as a New York Times editor — the “pay to play” standard in the fake news Mainstream Media (MSM). There is nothing really useful in this book, which paints …

Scott Keisler: The Truth About Venezuela

The Truth About Venezuela Covert intelligence groups sowing seeds of destabilization overseas, funding front groups to promote ‘democracy’, engaging in economic warfare, media propaganda campaigns – the playbook is quite familiar to those who know the dark art of unilateral empire building. For the last two decades Neoconservatives and the State Department have, with varying …

Berto Jongman: YouTube Censoring 9/11 Truthers

YouTube Tweaks Algorithm to Fight 9/11 Truthers, Flat Earthers, Miracle Cures For “miracle cures” read “alternative natural healing.” YouTube will tweak its algorithm to recommend less content that “comes close” to violating site rules, the company announced Friday. RELATED: Microsoft now conspiring with pro-Monsanto front group “NewsGuard” to censor all anti-GMO news on mobile devices

Yoda: Truth, Trust, and Transparency Commission

Alert Reader has suggested that President Donald Trump should create a Truth, Trust, and Transparency Commission. It’s purpose would be to assure Presidential-level protection — to include pardons as needed — for whistleblowers and others who have vital contributions  to make toward rooting out fraud, waste, and abuse.

Mike Adams: CONVERGENCE – The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth?

CONVERGENCE: The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth? Let’s begin by considering the global convergence of the following 12 events and trends: 1) The desperate effort by globalists to end all national sovereignty 2) The aggressive ramping up of efforts to disarm all law-abiding citizens