How the “Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability” class launched several internationally known start-ups

Working through partners, getting to market faster The Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability class has launched several internationally known start-ups (including Embrace, Driptech and D.Light.) But main route for student teams to get their life-changing products into the hands of people in the developing world is by working with NGO partner organizations. Working with partners …

Nature Tries to Imagine a World Without Mosquitoes/Malaria

Published online 21 July 2010 | Nature 466, 432-434 (2010) Ecology: A world without mosquitoes Eradicating any organism would have serious consequences for ecosystems — wouldn’t it? Not when it comes to mosquitoes, finds Janet Fang. (download pdf version) Every day, Jittawadee Murphy unlocks a hot, padlocked room at the Walter Reed Army Institute of …

Reference: Summary of Earth’s Terminal Conditions & Radical Necessary Changes

Published Sep 4 2010 by Ceasefire Magazine The End of the World-as-we-know-it in 10 years? And the rise of the post-carbon era… by Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed Only 500 generations ago, hunter-gatherers began cultivating crops and forming their tiny communities into social hierarchies. Around 15 to 20 generations ago, industrial capitalism erupted on a global …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: China-Iran Rail + China ReCap

China-Iran: China’s Railways Minister Liu Zhijun will visit Tehran on 12 September to sign a contract between Iran and a Chinese company to build a $2 billion rail link to Iran, according to Iranian Transport Minister Hamid Behbahani. Transport ministers from Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Iran are expected to gather in Dushanbe in October to firm …

NATO on YouTube: Selective Summaries (5)

NATO You-Tube Front Page Phi Beta Iota Summary: Where should NATO go on out-of-area expeditionary operations?  How does NATO define security & stability?  How does NATO achieve balance between territorial defense and expeditionary operations, and between the voice of the big nations and the small nations?  What is defense?  What is 360 degree defense in …