Jean Lievens: The New Social Leadership – Moving from Fear to Freedom

The New Social Leadership – Moving from Fear to Freedom Christine Comaford Forbes, 28 October 2012 When driven by fear, human beings generally go to one of three places: 1)      They get stuck. 2)      They solve problems that don’t exist. 3)      They focus on the wrong problem—which is low leverage and doesn’t deliver the result they …

Berto Jongman: Climate Summit Model Broken, Capitalism Criminal, Government Toxic, Public Must Learn to Think and Act for the Public

Climate Summit Trap: Capitalism’s March toward Global Collapse An Essay by Harald Welzer The Warsaw conference demonstrated that the “climate summit” model is broken and, more importantly, that capitalism itself is driving us to the brink. Protests are not the solution — it’s time to fight the system using its own weapons. The municipal utility …

4th Media: We Don’t Make This Stuff Up! — Occupy as a Form of Rising Anarchism

The New Politics of the 21st Century: Global Resistance and Rising Anarchism A number of occurrences have taken place of the past 13 years since the rise of the new millennium; we have seen and are seeing the rise of popular movements all over the world and a resistance to the forces of imperialism, capitalism, …

SPONSOR SOUGHT: Open Source Everything Manifesto for Hackers on Planet Earth

A sponsor is sought for the purchase of 1000-2000 copies of THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth, & Trust. A hard copy of the book, or a watermarked digital copy, is available for examination. Generally bulk purchases sell for 50% off retail.  The books come 44 to a box.  Where else can you reach …

David Sabow: Betrayal – Toxic Murder of USMC Personnel and Their Families

NARCOTRAFFICKING, MURDER AND TOXIC SOUP In 1985 when TCE was found in several agricultural wells off of El Toro, Camp Lejeune on the East coast was forced to close down wells contaminated with TCE and other contaminants.  As many as one million veterans and their dependents were exposed to Lejeune’s contaminated wells over 30 years …