AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 10 August 2009

Hot Topics BI: Burundi to curb prices of petroleum products 08/06/09 CF: Independent Candidacy: Waiting on National Assembly 08/07/09 EH: Defection ; a Setback to Western Sahara Separatists Hardliners 08/07/09 ER: Eritrea Denies Arming Somali Militants 08/07/09 NG: Nigeria: Violence in north is not what it seems 08/08/09 SD: United Nations Force Commanders in Darfur Address …

2009 The Ultimate Hack: Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer the World (Faculty of Advanced Engineering University of British Columbia March 2009)

Handouts (Their Site) PPT (Our Site): 2009 UBC The Ultimate Hack Slides 2.0 FINAL, with Notes) With a tip of the hat the University of British Columbia and Professor John Meech of the Faculty of Advanced Engineering, this is the latest briefing.  As with most of my briefings, planned words for brevity can be found …