Did Clinton Foundation Steal $13B from Haiti? Is OAS Banned from Haiti for Electoral Fraud?

Did Clintons Steal $13B? Haiti bans OAS We should ask the Clinton family, “Where did the $13B in earthquake funds go?” Pierre Louis Opont, recently resigned President of the Provisional Electoral Council, says the results of the 2010 Haiti elections to place Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly into the runoff that propelled him into office were adjusted by the Organization of American States (OAS), …

CSPOA Posse Intel: Election Fraud, San Francisco, Trump Doing Away With Constitution

This week on the CSPOA Posse Intel Webinar, Sam Bushman joins Jack Mullen to discuss various national issues taking place right now including election fraud and more. Sam and Jack discuss the accusations that Donald Trump reportedly posted on his Twitter account he wanted to do away with the Constitution. “A Massive Fraud of this …

Wayne Jett: Transcript of Dr. Steve Pieczenik on Watermarks and Massive Election Fraud Discovery

As provided by Wayne Jett. DR STEVE PIECZENIK STATEMENT 11 5 20 This is really a sting operation. Contrary to what everybody else said, Trump knew this was happening, Eric knew this was happening and warned the public. I knew this was happening. However, I did not say anything about it. What happened was we …