Robert Steele: 15 Constitutional Amendments — Protect, Modify, Cancel — UPDATE 4

Short URL: We need a Convention of States to restore the original construct in which the federal government is a service of common concern to the SOVEREIGN states, and individual sovereignty is restored. All three branches of the federal government have been chipping away at the Constitution, to include the right to a trial …

Friends of the Article V Convention: Congress Begins Counting State Applications for a Convention

Congress Begins Count of AVC Applications With a quiet addition to House rules on January 6, 2015 the House of Representatives began for the first time in history an official process for tabulation of state applications for an Article V Convention.    …   According to Article V of the Constitution Congress is mandated to call a …

Rickard Falkvinge: Sharing is a Constitutional Law Right, Copyright is an Ordinary Law Privilege — This is Huge Advance for Public Over Private Corruption

Court Of Human Rights: Convictions For File-Sharing Violate Human Rights Civil Liberties:  The European Court of Human Rights has declared that the copyright monopoly stands in direct conflict with fundamental Human Rights, as defined in the European Union and elsewhere. This means that as of today, nobody sharing culture in the EU may be convicted …