Gold Transformer: Has US Stolen German Gold? Will This Break German Bank? Does This Make IMF Chicago Plan Revisited a “Must Do”?

Germany financial architecture is under stress. If Germany fractures, Euro is gone. Could the US alleged theft of 1500 metric tons of German gold be part of the problem? Could this make the IMF August 2012 working group memorandum on The Chicago Proposal Revisited a “must do”? 7 Nov 2012  Does Anyone Really Know How …

Gold Transformer: Screw the 99% – Let’s Shift Inflation to Medical, Rent, Education, Food, and Communications – QE3 Of, By, and For the 1%

When it costs more to be poor – Fed and government shifting inflation onto rent, medical care, and food. QE3 to widen the gap between the poor and the wealthy. Inflation has been picking up since the recession ended in 2009.  The problem with the CPI increasing year over year with no rise in household …

Gold Transformer: Federal Reserve Transparency Ploy, End of the Middle Period in Predatory Central Banking — Fed Cannot Account for $9 Trillion + Meta-RECAP

  Ben Bernanke’s Fed Transparency … Transparent Ploy? Monday, September 24, 2012 – by Staff Report Under Ben Bernanke, a more open and forceful Federal Reserve … In what might be his final years as chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben S. Bernanke is transforming the U.S. central bank, seeking to shed its reclusive habits …