Review: Hacker Hoaxer Whistleblower Spy – The Many Faces of Anonymous

Gabriella Coleman 4.0 out of 5 starsThe Immune System of Democracy By David Wineberg TOP 500 REVIEWER on November 4, 2014 Anonymous is almost certainly not what you think it is. You have to live it to understand it, its implications, its functioning, and its place in society. Gabrielle Coleman lived it, as a fully …

Anonymous Hacker Interview

Anonymous Hacker Interview CNN Money ran a series on hackers recently, one which had all the usual mainstream biases. There was the assumption that all hackers working for corporations were “good hackers”… the assumption that encrypted communication protects terrorists… and the assumption that there are easily-identifiable “good guys” and “bad guys” to begin with… with the government and …

Event: 22-24 July 2016 Hackers on Planet Earth – First Call, 100 $100 Tickets First Come First Served

Greetings! We trust everyone has fully recovered from the excitement of HOPE X by now. It’s once again time for us to begin planning for our next conference, which is set for July 22-24, 2016 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. Many more details will be released in the weeks and months ahead. …

Event: 19 July NYC Robert Steele at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE X)

Hackers are like astronauts, full of the right stuff, pushing the edge of the envelope. Robert Steele PBS Frontline Interview on Hackers Spy Improv: Ask Me Anything Saturday, July 19, 2014 – 11 pm – 1 am Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City Guardian Profile of OSE Concept Open Source Everything Manifesto: Home INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH: …

18-20 JUL NYC Pre-Register Now for Hackers on Planet Earth and Hotel — 70 Speakers Confirmed, Vendor Tables Now Available

Greetings! While over 70 confirmed talks are now posted for HOPE-X, we’ve got a bunch more to come. Please keep checking for the latest. We have some vendor tables available for all three days of the conference in our heavily trafficked second floor mezzanine. If you’re interested in getting a table, email We …