Hackers on Planet Earth: Focus on Dissent – Final Call for Speaker Submissions

We continue to make progress on this summer’s HOPE-X conference. Please take a look at our brand new website, viewable at http://x.hope.net or http://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. The theme is dissent, a theme that rings true for the whistleblowers, security watchdogs, hackers, activists, and journalists that all have something to say and to share with the community. Please …

Hackers on Planet Earth: Daniel Ellsberg Confirmed as Keynote

HOPE X July 18-20, 2014 Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City We’re thrilled to announce that the whistleblower of all whistleblowers – Daniel Ellsberg – will be a keynote speaker at HOPE X in New York City this July. Daniel Ellsberg was the cause of one of the biggest political controversies in the history of the …

Emmanuel: Call for Speakers Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE X) 18-20 JUL 14 NYC

HOPE X will take place on July 18-20 (Fri-Sun) 2014 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. HOPE stands for Hackers on Planet Earth, one of the most creative and diverse hacker events in the world.  It has been taking place very two years since 1994. Below is the call for speakers, panelists, and …

Julian Assange at Chaos Computing Conference — Calls on “Hacker Class” to Unite

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Calls on Computer Hackers to Unite Against NSA Surveillance WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange addressed a major gathering of computer experts Monday at the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg, Germany, calling on them to join forces in resisting government intrusions on Internet freedom and privacy. We play highlights from Assange’s speech, as well …

SPONSOR SOUGHT: Open Source Everything Manifesto for Hackers on Planet Earth

A sponsor is sought for the purchase of 1000-2000 copies of THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth, & Trust. A hard copy of the book, or a watermarked digital copy, is available for examination. Generally bulk purchases sell for 50% off retail.  The books come 44 to a box.  Where else can you reach …

Marcus Aurelius: Acoustic Hackers Can Halt Fleet

US NAVY: Hackers ‘Jumping The Air Gap’ Would ‘Disrupt The World Balance Of Power’ Geoffrey Ingersoll Business Insider, Nov. 19, 2013, 2:54 PM The next generation hackers may be taking to sound waves, and the Navy is understandably spooked. Speaking at last week’s Defense One conference, retired Capt. Mark Hagerott cited recent reports about sonic …

Event: 18-20 JUL 14 NYC Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE X)

HOPE X July 18-20, 2014 Hotel Pennsylvania New York City Email Notification Sign Up NOTE: The movie “Hackers” was based on HOPE co-founder and spiritual leader Emmanuel Goldstein (not his real name) and his various Pheaker (phone hacks) and Hacker (computer hacks) colleagues. There is no other event on the planet quite like this, at …