Ed Jewett: Cultural Marxism – LGBTQI+ A National Security Threat — the End of Civil Society as Transgender and Transhumanist Lies Destroy Everything that is Good and Sacred in Western Civilization?

Transgenderism and transhumanism are nothing less than an attempt to genocide the human species and destroy civil society with a particular focus on destroying families and the education of normal straight children. Some call this Cultural Marxism. The normalization of perversion — includiing pedophilia and bestiality along with transgenderism and transhumanism, appears to be a …

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Planetary Awakening, Emergence of Homo Universalis

The Planetary Awakening of a New Humanity Findhorn Fellow, futurist and evolutionary biologist, Barbara Marx Hubbard, on the emergence of a new species – Homo Universalis – Universal Human! While there’s a crisis on Earth of what’s breaking down, there’s also a different kind of breakthrough happening in countless humans who feel that something more …

Berto Jongman: Fired NSC Aide on Deep State / Marxist-Left Subversion of Legitimately-Elected President Donald Trump

Fired NSC Aide Reveals Political Warfare Operation Targeting Trump Higgins memo warns of Marxist, Deep State subversion Rich Higgins, until recently director of strategic planning at the NSC, revealed the program in a seven-page memorandum produced in May that warns of a concerted information warfare campaign by the Marxist left, Islamists, and political leaders and …

Chris Hedges: Karl Marx Was Right

Karl Marx Was Right On Saturday at the Left Forum in New York City, Chris Hedges joined professors Richard Wolff and Gail Dines to discuss why Karl Marx is essential at a time when global capitalism is collapsing. These are the remarks Hedges made to open the discussion.