Chuck Spinney: Col Pat Lang Provides Strategy on Syria — For Adults with Intelligence and Integrity…

Below at the close of this excellent opinion piece by Pat Lang is sensible prescription for shaping a schwerpunkt in so-called Global War on Terror or GWOT.  Lang cuts thru the Gordian Knot of inwardly focused contradictions that are overloading and paralyzing America’s grand strategy* in the Syrian Civil War and turning our country into …

Chuck Spinney: Maj Paul J. Tremblay, USMC Produces Original Expansion on Ideas of Col John Boyd, USAF — BRAVO ZULU!

EXTRACT from Spinney’s long comment: Attached below is a masters thesis written by Major Paul J. Tremblay,** USMC as part of his study in the Command and Staff College of the U.S. Marine Corps.  In my opinion, Tremblay has produced precisely the kind idea expansion that Colonel Boyd was trying to inspire with his Discourse. …

Mini-Me: Special Russian (Truth) – US (Lies) – Ukraine (Atrocity Central) SitRep + Ukraine RECAP

Huh? SPECIAL RUSSIAN FEDERATION SITREP 23 July 2014 I’ve been doing these Sitreps for 14 years; I have never done a special before. But I have never felt that we were close to war before either. To go to war is bad enough, but to go to war over lies… RUSSIAN MILITARY BRIEFING. The key …

Chuck Spinney: Freeman Dyson – Great Science Demands Great Blunders and Good Losers – Nature Never Loses and Always Plays Fair

The author of the attached book review is a brilliant writer as well as one of the last of the great 20th Century scientists. “The Case for Blunders” is an important subject, because the confusion of theory with facts is perhaps the most persistent “Orientation” problem misshaping the OODA loops driving contemporary political discourse in …

Chuck Spinney: Amateur Hour? Or Corrupt Idiots in Power in Washington?

This essay (also attached below, argues that Syrian civil war places the contradictions in US/UK foreign policy into sharp relief. While the author, Peter Oborn, does not say so, the proximate cause of these contradictions is a fatally-flawed grand strategic appreciation of the threats and interests implicit in the Syrian civil war (the criteria for evolving a …

Chuck Spinney: Neutral Jews? Not Today, Not Ever

The Uri Avnery has written a simple and profound portrait of how the differing narratives have hijacked  the Orientations in the OODA loops of all the players in the Arab – Israeli conflict, including particularly the self-styled ‘honest brokers’ in the United States, as well as the belligerents in the Arab – Israeli Conflict.  IMO, …