Review: Mary L. Trump, a Cheater in a Cheating Culture, Betrays Her Family & The Republic

2 Star – Cheater Trashes President Reviewed without Reading by RDS I am so tired of bottom feeders being bribed or blackmailed to attack our President. Mary L. Trump is such a bottom feeder, and despite her PhD, also myopic, hateful, and uneducated. President Donald J. Trump matters precisely because he is taking on the …

Caitlin Johnstone: Fractal Agent Smiths — Public Consciousness Emergent

Fractal Agent Smiths The struggle of humankind is a struggle to become more conscious. This is true whether you’re talking about humanity as a species, human society as an individual nation or community, the interpersonal relationships in a specific family or social structure, or the inner processes of an individual human being. Read every word of …

Robert Steele: Roadmap for US-Russia Relations — Focus on Trump & Sharing Intelligence at the Presidential Level — Ignore the Bureaucracies

A Roadmap for US-Russia Relations – An American View Robert David Steele Igor Ivanov’s recent article, “A Roadmap for Russia-U.S. Relations” provides a methodical Russian perspective of great value.[1] Here I will provide a practical American perspective, with the hope that it might help President Vladimir Putin and his senior aides help President Donald Trump, …

Worth a Look: Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Zionists

An accurate accounting of the history of Blacks and Jews from the Columbian era to the Civil War, including the extensive record of Jewish slave trading in the western hemisphere. 334 pages – 1,275 footnotes – More than 3,000 sources – Jewish journals, encyclopedias, newspapers & other publications – Jewish scholars & rabbis – Court …

Del Spurlock: Propaganda Defeats the Public Interest — The Legalization of Lies, the Triumph of Corporations Over People

Spinning the Inhumanity of our National Policies We are failing to govern ourselves. The concept of American democracy has been driven from the field by the public relations industry. Today we consume far beyond our means, are governed by the exploitation of our fears, and are denied the civic participation decreed by our Constitution. …it …

Berto Jongman: Fake ISIS Beheading Videos — Blatant False Flag Fraud to Deceive the US Public — PBI Comment on War for the Soul of US Intelligence UPDATED: Bomb Syria or Control Ebola? Duh!

Both beheading videos are questionable. Both were probably made by the same people following the same script and using the same format. I find it strange that the second video was distributed to subscribers of SITE before ISIS itself had the video made public. A SITE analyst had discovered the video on a filesharing site. …

Public Health Experts Identify Militarism As Threat

Public Health Experts Identify Militarism As Threat A remarkable article appears in the June 2014 issue of the American Journal of Public Health.  (Also available as free PDF here.) The authors, experts in public health, are listed with all their academic credentials: William H. Wiist, DHSc, MPH, MS, Kathy Barker, PhD, Neil Arya, MD, Jon …