Berto Jongman: Saudi Arabia & Qatar Plans for Salafism/Wahhabism Caliphate Sweeping South in Africa, East into Southern Asia – NATO & US Missing the Non-Military Strategic Implications

Here is document, and below, the conclusion. PDF (37 Pages) 5. CONCLUSION The phenomenon of the swing of Salafism/Wahhabism into terrorism is not monolithic, but is divided on the grounds of realities, historical context and local customs. Similarly, we must take into account the relatively low importance of boundaries between States that most often deal …

4th Media: Syrian Rebels Retreating, Caught with Chemical Weapons — Call for End to Dictatorships in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrein

Al Nusra Front, a Key Syrian Rebel Force and a Foreign Terrorist Group Declared by US State Dept, Arrested with Chemical Weapons in Istanbul Syria claims sarin seizure at rebel hideout as Russia ‘blocks’ UN’s Qusair resolution If the Syrian Dictator Must Go… Why Not the Dictators in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain? Hillary Clinton: …

Patrick Meier: Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī: An Update from the Qatar Computing Research Institute

EXTRACT: This brings me to the Qatar (Foundation) Computing Research Institute (QCRI), which was almost called the al-Khwārizmī Computing Research Institute. I joined QCRI exactly two weeks ago as Director of Social Innovation. My first impression? QCRI is Doha’s “House of Whizzkids”. The team is young, dynamic, international and super smart. I’m already working on several exploratory …

NIGHTWATCH: Saudi Arabia Begins to Absorb Bahrain — Is Qatar Next?

Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia and Bahrain discussed a political union at a meeting in Riyadh on 13 May. The arrangement under discussion would allow Bahrain to retain its seat at the United Nations, but the two states would merge foreign relations, defense and economic policy, according to press sources. The details have not been released. …