Event: 16-18 Nov 09 Doha, Qatar, World Innovation Summit for Education

Under the umbrella theme: “Global Education: Working Together for Sustainable Achievements”, the Forum will endeavour to rethink the education challenges of the 21st century. The Forum will address the 3 following themes: Theme 1 – Pluralism Creating education for respect and understanding, increasing access and equalities in a globalised education. Theme 2 – Sustainability Sustaining …

Journal: Coup in Qatar? Middle East Convergences…

U.S. Military Downplays Qatar Coup Rumors By Jeff Stein | August 5, 2009 Senior American military officials Wednesday threw cold water on reports of an attempted coup d’etat in Qatar, nerve center for the U.S. military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. +++++++ Arab Websites Report On Failed Coup Attempt In Qatar Various Arab websites are …

Matt Ehret: The Chinese-Russian-Iranian Alliance Ushers in a New Hope for the Middle East

The Chinese-Russian-Iranian Alliance Ushers in a New Hope for the Middle East As the USA continues its lunge into the abyss of obsolescence, under the new Don Quixote-modelled leadership of Joe Biden, Russia and China have accelerated the next phase of Middle East reconstruction and stabilization this week with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s March …

Owl: Rothschild Owned Banks Include World Bank and IMF — Time to Shut Them Down?

Someone compiled a comprehensive list of all Rothschild-owned banks from around the world. The article notes: “There are two Megabanks that offer loans to all the countries around the planet, the World Bank and the IMF. The first one is jointly owned by the world’s top banking families, with the Rothschilds at the very top, …

Robert Steele: An Exchange on Israel vs Jews, Palestine vs Arab Dictators — The Future of North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia

A gentle person wrote in from Qatar and I responded. From your article “Trump Peace Plan: Sheer Genius” I fully agree that the JK peace plan was presented with the intention to be rejected by Palestine and others in the region and that the other “gestures” by Trump to Netanyahu have been delay strategies until …

Gordon Duff: The Luciferian-Deep State roots Freemasonry and the Terror Triad of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Erdogania

The Luciferian-Deep State roots Freemasonry and the Terror Triad of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Erdogania The real story is an old one, a secret society, one that crosses all 3 religions of the book, which explains why Christian evangelists, Saudi Wahhabists and Zionist extremists are joined at the hip against democracy across the planet. Why …