Yoda: Naturopaths (Nutritional Experts) Good — Fake Coronavirus Pandemic, Toxic Vaccines, 5G Radiation Sickness – Bad

There were once millions of naturopaths in the US. They were systematically eliminated and are now called alternative. MDs get a few hours of nutritional study. NATUROPATHS are experts in supplementation and diet. MDs generally treat people after they are sick. Naturopaths prevent disease as well as bring people back to health. Superb video below …

Paul Doyon: Protection & Healing in Face of 5G / Radiation — And Renewed Call to STOP 5G — TURN IT OFF!

What Can You Do to Protect Yourselves? Well given that accordingly the EMF effects act via the activation of VGCCs with a resulting increase in calcium ions inside the cell stimulating nitric oxide synthase to produce more nitric oxide leading downstream to the creation of free radicals (aka reactive oxygen species), it is important to, …

DefDog: Ground 5G + Satellite 5G + Satellite Dish 5G + Satellite Jamming = Radiation Sickness Disaster

Did a quick search and it is clear that on the one hand, you are absolutely on target with your view that a lot of the global pandemic is 5G and microwave radiation illness being mis-labeled as the corona virus for whatever reason. It is also clear that there is not enough openly available research …