Journal: Ralph Peters on The Rules Murdering Our Troops

Over 200 Marines died in the barracks by the beach in Beirut, in their sleep, because the White House failed to understand that the strategic situation had changed; because chicken hawk staff approved the launching of battleship salvos (think really pissed-off Volkswagons in flight) that certified the US was “taking sides” rather than seeking to …

Journal: Ralph Peters on Stifling of General McChrystal

O’s Afghan woes White House stifles general September 3, 2009 The classified status report from Afghanistan by Gen. Stanley McChrystal was censored by the White House before its submission. As a result, it’s all bun and no burger. According to multiple (angry) sources, McChrystal — our top soldier on the ground — intended to ask …

2003 Harris (US) Beautiful Minds (Ralph Peters, Maverick Analyst)

Ralph Peters stands out in Phi Beta Iota’s tag cloud because among the 2000 or so authors represented here, he has both multiple non-fictions books to his name that we have reviewed, and he has given provocative presentations on more than one occasion to the multinational public intelligence audience that we began nurturing in 1992.  …

1995 Peters (US) INADEQUATE ANSWERS: Bureaucracy, Wealth, and the Mediocrity of U.S. Intelligence Analysis

Ralph Peters is the only author other than Will Durant to have his own shelf in the OSS/EIN/PBI library.  He can anger, infuriate, provoke and sometimes even drive insane those who are impatient with controversy.  We hold him in the highest regard as one who consistently speaks truth to power.  See the reviews of his …