John Robb: CEOs as Targets

New: It’s Open Season on the Tech Elite …we are going to find out very quickly that the corporation, and particularly tech companies, are particularly bad organizations for warfare.  One reason is that they are too centralized.  The CEO’s centrality to the corporate network makes him/her a single point of failure for the entire organization.  Another …

Owl: John Robb on ISIS as Violence Entrepreneur, Russia Using ISIS to Take Down Saudi Arabia and Lift Oil Prices

John Robb examines how a Wahabi state such as Saudi Arabia can be taken down by super-Wahabi violence entrepreneur ISIS, with a little help from their friends in Russia, or more specifically, the Russian mafia’s hacker legions.  What is unique about his most recent analysis is insisting that the amount of money to be gained …

John Robb: Russia in Crimea – A Hostile Energy Acquisition

Why is Russia going after the Crimea? It’s just a hostile acquisition As I’ve said for years, Russia is an energy company with all the trappings of nation-state — John McCain recently paraphrased me by calling Russia “a gas station masquerading as a country.” Everything Russia does militarily is aimed at expanding it’s energy interests.  From acquiring …

John Robb: Ukraine, Putin, and Open Source Warfare: In the 21st Century, Warfare is business by other means.

Putin and Open Source Warfare Is Putin using open source warfare? Of course he is.  Who sold him on the approach?  Apparently, he has an advisor called Vladislav Surkov who is a science fiction writer.  He recently wrote a short story (published under his nom de guerre) called “Without the Sky” about a many vs. many …

John Robb: Disenfranchising the White Jewish Voice

“White Privilege” as the Neutron Bomb of Moral Warfare The growing popularity of “check your privilege” and “white privilege” at Universities and in political debates is interesting. Why is it interesting? It’s not a force for progress or positive change, it’s a form of moral warfare.   That means it’s not a constructive remark that …