Stephen E. Arnold – Google Search: A Disillusioned SEO Expert Grouses

Google Search: A Disillusioned SEO Expert Grouses Search engine optimization. Great play by the Google. Lots of “search experts” explaining how to get traffic. When the traffic went away or failed to materialize, these “SEO experts” morphed into Google ad hawkers. Slick. Who knew? Not the SEO crowd but the creeping tendrils of dawning knowledge …

STEPHEN E. ARNOLD: The Addiction Analogy: The Cancellation of Influencer Rand Fishkin

The Addiction Analogy: The Cancellation of Influencer Rand Fishkin Another short item. I read a series of tweets which you may be able to view at this link. The main idea is that an influencer was to give a talk about marketing. The unnamed organizer did not like Influencer Fishkin’s content. And what was that content? …

Stephen E. Arnold: How Are Those Cyber Security Vendors Performing?

How Are Those Cyber Security Vendors Performing? This sounds like old news. This is really new news. The trust outfit Thomson Reuters published “U.S. Government Probes VPN Hack within Federal Agencies, Races to Find Clues.” The main idea is that despite the amped up cyber security efforts, another somewhat minor issue has been discovered. The …

Stephen E. Arnold: Financial Warfare — China, Cyber, Russia, ATMs Down?

Financial Warfare: Another View of FinTech From an intelligence perspective, consider these questions: What’s the impact of the US printing dollars to cover Covid et al? What happens if China takes direct action to add Taiwan to its collection of entities? What happens if Russia annexes Ukraine? What happens if these events occur at the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Daily Mail, Google, Class, Power, and Incentives

The estimable Daily Mail is a newspaper. The owner of the Daily Mail is the Daily Mail and General Trust plc. The big dog at the outfit is The Fourth Viscount Rothermere. Titles are important in England. Crickets the game. “Plumby tones” was crafted to describe the accents some Americans long to have. Dim lights, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Update on Google banned words

Social media is combining algorithms that manipulate searches and polling results with Zionist-defined “hate speech” and related trolls attacking anyone daring to speak the truth about anything of substance; with dictionaries such as these that are nothing more or less that censorship guides — forbidden language, forbidden thought. See dictionary of words HERE