Wayne Jett: Battling the Globalist Cabal – Learning As We Go

Battling the Globalist Cabal – Learning As We Go The enemies of America and its allies are very rich oligarchs and power centers protected by complex social structures, secret alliances (including within America) and private armies. They must be discovered and rooted out by means not customarily within the scope of military actions. To shed …

Wayne Jett: Mr. President – MAGA – Constitutional Limits

MR PRESIDENT: MAGA! Return To Constitutional Limits The national shutdown of business and social activities by government orders resulting from the COVID-19 virus violates constitutional limitations of powers of government over the people. Though the Supreme Court has demonstrated willingness to accommodate federal government authority, the broad shutdown of employment and social activities strikes at …

Wayne Jett: GLOBALIST PLAYBOOK: GREAT DEPRESSION II This Time America’s President Is On Our Side!

GLOBALIST PLAYBOOK: GREAT DEPRESSION II This Time America’s President Is On Our Side! Under relentless attack by the most effective American president in history, the globalist cabal’s Deep State operatives in the U. S. and in China desperately launched a bioweapon against America and the world. The bioweapon has proved far less deadly than the …